"the Limits Of My Language are The Limits of My Word"

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Financial Vocabularies

Financial Vocabularies
Votes of 14th august 2018


1. Asset = n (Aset)
     E.g     these shares are a valuable asset

2. Bankruptcy    = n (Kebangkrutan)
    E.g When a company declares bankruptcy, its stock becomes worthless

3. Bond = n (Obligasi)
     E.g     corporate bonds are good investment

4. Broker = n (Makelar) 
     E.g.   i bought shares from a broker in Jakarta

5. Capital = n (Modal)
     E.g      he does not have enough capital to start a business

6. Debt = n (Hutang)
     E.g     Debts are a burden on life

7. Loan = n (Pinjaman)
  E.g        He needed money, so he asked his friend for a loan

8. Fund = n (Dana)
     E.g     We have to seek fund for education and infrastructure

9. Stock = n (Persediaan)
    E.g  We have run out of stock for next month

10. Trade = n (Perdagangan)
     E.g     trades in black market are done in secrecy

hopefully this helpful :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Goverment Vocabularies

Goverment Vocabularies
Votes of 7th august 2018


.1. Constitution = n (Undang-Undang Dasar)

     E.g We know our country has the constitution to rule.

2. Council = n (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat)

    E.g The new council has already elected since one months ago.

3. Culture = n (Budaya)

     E.g We all knew that Indonesia has many interesting culture.

4. Governor = n (Gubernur)

     E.g She is the first female governor in this city.

5. Prime Minister = n (Perdana Menteri)

     E.g I want to meet Malaysia's prime minister at this great event.

6. Region = n (Wilayah)

     E.g Indonesia has 34 region that's divided by province

7. Residence = n (Penduduk)

  E.g Does Indonesia has the most crowded residence in the world?
8. State Owned Enterprises = n (BUMN)

     E.g Indonesia's State Owned Enterprises get a better way to make business everyyear.

9. Society = n (Masyarakat)

    E.g Society gets so offended day by day in the social media.

10. Union = n (Partai)

     E.g Every union has their own purpose and goals to win the election.



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