"the Limits Of My Language are The Limits of My Word"

Friday, July 27, 2018

Economic Vocabularies

Economic Vocabularies
Votes of 24th july 2018


1. Capital = n (Modal Usaha/Bisnis) Money, property, etc., that is used to start or operate a business.

     E.g Do we have the capital to start a business?

2. Cost = n (Biaya) Something that is lost, damaged, or given up in order to achieve or get something.

    E.g He was fined 50 dollars and ordered to pay court cost.

3. Consumer goods = n (Barang Jualan) Products that people buy for personal use or for use at home.

     E.g A range of consumer goods, from clothing to cameras to food.

4. Currency = n (Mata Uang) The money that a country uses.

     E.g They use Indonesia currency to pay the bill.

5. Economics = n (Ilmu Ekonomi) A science concerned with the process or system by which goods and services are produced, sold, and bought.

     E.g I take economics as my major of study at SEBI.

6. Economic = adj (Ekonomi) Something that is connected with economy. Such as Industry, Trade, Government, and Finance.

     E.g Our country has signed an economic partnership with Malaysia.

7. Economical = adj (Ekonomis/Hemat) Giving good value or service in relation to the amount of money, time, or effort spent.

     E.g ITB has found a way to make solar energy more economical.

8. Economically = adv (Secara ekonomis) In a way that relates to economics or finance

     E.g Hanin is economically independent of her parents.

9. Economist = n (Ahli Ekonomi) An expert in economics.

    E.g My husband is an economist.

10. Debt = n (Hutang) An amount of money that you owe to a person, bank, company, etc.

     E.g The nation's growing foreign debt.

A : hi,  what's your concern study here ?
B : i study economics, because i' very interested in our national economic growth.
A : so you could be an economist in the future
B : of couse, i will fight for stabilize national economic and currency
A : sounds good, it will no need a big capital again to start a business.
B : productive peoples are needed, so we can be economically independent.
A : all right. So what's your advice for me to start my business?
B : hmm..  I think you should look for economical place, low cost to rent.  So you don't have to take a big bank debt.
A : ok,  thankyou for your advice
B : your welcome.



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